The Law Offices of John W. Stenson is committed to fighting for victims of vicious dog attacks. If you or your child has suffered serious injuries, I will be happy to meet with you personally to discuss your legal rights. If, after your free initial consultation, you choose my law firm to represent you, I will work diligently to calculate your losses and secure the financial compensation you deserve as quickly as possible.
March 25, 2024
Each year, close to a million Americans suffers dog bites that require medical attention. Many of these victims are children (by some estimates, as many as half of all dog attacks involve children), and children five to nine years of age are the most likely to suffer serious injuries in a dog attack.
While wounds can heal, the physical and emotional scars from a vicious dog attack can last a lifetime. The financial costs can also add up quickly, and the need for long-term medical treatment can put many families into debt. If you, your child or another loved one has been bitten by a dog, you need to assert your legal rights, and you need to hire a lawyer who will fight to win the compensation you deserve.
The Law Offices of John W. Stenson is committed to fighting for victims of vicious dog attacks. If you or your child has suffered serious injuries, I will be happy to meet with you personally to discuss your legal rights. If, after your free initial consultation, you choose my law firm to represent you, I will work diligently to calculate your losses and secure the financial compensation you deserve as quickly as possible.
In dog bite cases, as in many other types of personal injury claims, the long-term costs of victims’ injuries can far exceed their immediate medical expenses and lost wages. Dog bite injuries will often require multiple surgeries, each with its own long period of recovery. As a result, when considering settlement offers for a dog bite claim, it is critical to make sure that you have a clear understanding of your current and future losses.
In a typical dog bite case, the types of compensation available for victims’ current and future losses will include:
Sometimes, dog bites leave scars on your body and your mind. The good news is that you can usually get the dog owner’s homeowner’s insurance to pay for your medical bills and other losses.
Liability coverage for dog bites is usually part of standard homeowner’s insurance. Here, the insurance company will pay for your medical bills, lost wages, and other harm caused by the dog bite as long as the policy limits are met.
Policy limits vary, but most of the time, they are high enough to cover most of the costs of a dog biting injury. You can still go after the dog owner directly for pay if your injuries are serious and your medical bills are more than the policy limit.
Most cases of dog bites are settled with the insurance company without going to court. A skilled lawyer can help you get a fair deal that covers all of your losses, such as:
We’ll fight for what you deserve.
Even though agreements are often the best choice, we will never tell you to take a low offer. If necessary, our lawyers are ready to take the dog owner and their insurance company to court to get you the money you deserve.
Don’t keep your pain to yourself. Contact us immediately for a free appointment, and we’ll talk about your choices.
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